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Top 5 free Websites to learn programming

Hello, friends Internet has everything you want to learn free of cost. Today I am going to share some of the great websites which helped me to learn programming.
1) : It's awesome website to learn Web Development and good for basics in programming languages.It has variety of sections like FRONT END and BACK END .
You can learn for the front end = HTML5, CSS 3, JAVASCRIPT, JQuery, ANGULARJS, BOOTSTRAP and so on...
For the back end =  PHP, PYTHON, Node. JS, SQL.
If you want to  go in website development definitely this website is for you.

2)  : Best website for beginners to learn basics of programming and computer networking. I spend Most of the costly time learning with this website. Go check at least once. Definitely you will love it.
3) : This website has everything you need. It's has vast resources of learning and quality of tutorials. I had  spend time there when I was beginner and keen to learn about computer. I assure you that you will be able to find a good tutorial on every topic.

4) Codecademy : Codecademy is where most people who are new to coding get their start, and its reputation is well-deserved. The platform revolves around interactive learning; that is, you read a little, type your code right into the browser, and see results immediately

5) freecodecamp :  it's website for those who want to have experience working on projects while learning.
Working on projects is good to show in your resume, which helps you to land your first job.
Topics you learn : HTML, CSS, JAVA SCRIPT, SQL, node. Js, Angular Js, Databases, Devtools.


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